Black Magic Teir 2 Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles
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Dungeons, Dragons & Space Shuttles [Highly Customized Adventure & Expert Modpack [299+ Mods, 1750+ Quests]
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Black Magic Teir 2 Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles
#1 Sep 27, 2018
Hardcore Adventure & Expert Quest-Pack for Minecraft 1.12.2
Discord Server Link:
(Discord Languages: English, Deutsch, Italiano, Pусский)
(Questbook Languages: English or Pусский)
Over 20 Months of developement (and still going
) have formed a wonderful and balanced Modpack around Extended Crafting Tables and Artisan Workshops.
All configs and the most Recipes are Highly Modified!
This Pack comes with a large variety of powerfull Magic and Technic mods.
They are all balanced in each other.
Use Magic Mods to give you advanteages in terms of Technology and vice
versa! At a certain Point you will need to follow both paths to build
powerful things.
All Machines require items from different mods and are crafted in big Workbenches.
(5x5, 7x7, 9x9)
You will need a lot of resources if you want to master everything
Also, there are a lot of Exploration and Adventure mods to have as much fun as possible! You will find a lot of usefull stuff.. believe me, it's worth it.
Currently there are 1750+ Quests in English & Pусский!
The quests are custom made to fit perfectly in with the modpack. Most of the
quests have rewards which help you along with other quests. These
quests guide you through the pack, helping you reach the end objective.
Food, Brewing Systems, Agriculture and Bees :
Technology, Storage Systems and Magic:
Adventure and Exploration:
Building and Decoration:
Full Modlist (Updated 17.05.2020):
- Actually Additions
- Actually Baubles
- Additional Structures
- Alchemistry
- Alib
- Animania
- AppleCore
- AppleSkin
- Applied Energistics 2
- Artisan Worktables
- Artisan Integrations
- Artisan Automation
- Architecture Craft
- Aroma Core
- Aroma Backup
- Astralsorcery
- Akashic Tome
- Anthenaum
- AutoRegLib
- Avaritia
- B.A.S.E
- Baubles
- BetterFPS
- Better Questing
- Better Questing Questbook
- Better Questing Standart Expansion
- Better Questing Forestry Expansion
- Better Builders Wands
- Bdlib
- BiblioCraft
- Binni Mods
- Blockcraftery
- Blood Arsenal
- Blood Magic
- Bookshelf
- Bonsai Trees
- Botania
- Botanic Additions
- Brandons Core
- Carrer Bees
- Crafting Tweaks
- Ceramics
- Chameleon
- Chest Transporter
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- Chisel and Bits
- Chunk Pregenerator
- Clumps
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- Common Cababilities
- Compact Drawers
- ContentTweaker
- Controlling
- CookieCore
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Corail Tombstones
- CraftStudio
- CraftTweaker2
- Connected Textures Mod
- Cucumber
- CustomStartingGear
- Custom Main Menu
- CreativeCore
- Cyclic
- CyclopsCore
- Dank Null
- DefaultOptions
- DDSSUtils [special thx to dierke9!]
- Doomlike Dungeons
- Draconic Evolution
- Dungoen Tactics
- DiscordCraft
- Dynamic Surroundings (Disabled)
- Elulib
- EnchantingTable
- Ender Storage
- Enviromentaltech
- EvilCraft
- Exchangers
- Extended Crafting
- Extraalechemy
- Extra Cells
- Extra Planets
- Extrautils 2
- Extreme Reactors
- Fast Workbench
- FastLeafDecay
- Foamfix
- Forestry
- ForgeEndertech
- Forgelin
- ForgeMultipart
- Furniture
- FTB Utils
- FTB Lib
- Galacticraft Core
- Galacticraft Planets
- Galacticraft Tweaker
- Gendustry
- Gendustry JEI Addon
- Giacomos Fishing Net
- Guide-API
- Guidebook
- HammerLibCore
- Hooked
- Hunger Overhaul
- Hunting Dimension
- HelpFixer
- IceandFire
- Immersive Engeneering
- Industrial Foregoing
- Itegration Foregoing
- Integrated Dynamics
- Integrated Tunnels
- Inventory Tweaks
- Infernal Mobs
- Iron Chests
- JEI Bees
- Just Enough Calculations
- Journeymap
- Large Fluid Tanks
- LagGoggles
- LibrarianLib
- Llibrary
- Loot tweaker
- Loot Bags
- LittleTiles
- Magic Bees
- Malisis Core
- Malisis Doors
- Mantle
- Mcjtylib
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- Mekanism Ores
- MicdoodleCore
- Minerva Library
- MJRLegendsLib
- MobsPropretiesRandomness
- Mod Tweaker
- Mod Name Tooltip
- Moreoverlays
- Moreplates
- Mouse Tweaks
- Mowziesmobs
- Morpheus
- Modular Machinery
- MrTJPCore
- MTLib
- Multimob
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mystical Aggriditions
- Natura
- Nature's Compass
- NetherEx
- NotEnoughID's
- Nucelarcraft
- Omlib
- OnlinePictureFrame
- OpenComputers
- OpenModulaPassiveDefence
- Openblocks
- OpenModsLib
- OpenModularTurrets
- Overloaded
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedAutoEX
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Pams' Cookables
- Phosphorus
- Pickle Tweaks
- Placebo
- PlusTiC
- Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
- Primitive Mobs
- Progressive Bosses
- Project Red Base
- Project Red Compact
- Project Red Fabrication
- Project Red Integration
- Project Red Lightning
- Project Red Mechanical
- Project Red World
- Quark
- Random Patches
- Reauth
- Reborn Core
- Reborn Storage
- Redstone Flux
- Refined Storage
- Refined Storage Addons
- Refined Avaritia
- Resource Loader
- RFTools
- RFToolsctrl
- RFToolspower
- Rockhounding Chemistry
- Rockhounding Core
- Roguelike Dungeons
- RoughMobs2
- Ruins
- Rustic
- Sledgehammer
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Simply Backpacks
- Smooth Font
- Solar Flux Reborn
- Spice of Life Carrot Edition
- Special AI
- Stargate Networks
- Steves Carts
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Extras
- StorageTech
- Storage Cabinet
- Sound Reloader
- TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers JEI
- Tech Reborn
- TeslsCoreLib
- The One Probe
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Innovation
- Tinker Tool Leveling
- Toast Control
- Torchmaster
- Tweaker Construct
- Topaddons
- Traverse
- Twilight Forest
- Underground Biomes
- UniDict
- Useful Railroads
- Vanilla Fix
- ValkyrieLib
- Vies Craft
- Vulcanite
- WanionLib
- Worley Caves
- Wireless Crafting Terminal
- Xnet
- Zero Core
- Zoesteria Biomes [special thx to Valoeghese!]
Curse Link:
I try to push out
regualar updates to the pack when possible to fix bugs and adding
content so be sure to update regularly and to back up your worlds.
At every update you have to reload the Questfile with: /bq_user refresh or /bq_admin default load
Note: This is a pretty heavy pack. You will
need a fairly decent computer to run it. I would recommended setting
your RAM to 8GB
(English, Deutsch, Italiano)
A Modpack by: Freebi Peers
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#2 Sep 28, 2018
This looks pretty much exactly like what I'm looking for! Quick question, does it have any sort of class, skill, or level system?
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#3 Sep 29, 2018
I'm glad you liked it.
Unfortunately, there are currently no Mods with a Class/Skill or Level Systems in the Pack.
But i'm not averse, to implement and balance some of it. Are you thinking of something specific?
Maybe Vampirism Mod... that's just off the top om my head.
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#4 Sep 30, 2018
Updatet to Version 1.5
New Mods:
Mod Updates:
Thaumcraft --> Removed Quartz from Worldgen
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#5 Oct 1, 2018
Updatet to Version 1.6
Removed Mods:
The Aether II (To many Problems at the moment)
Orbis API
Mod Updates:
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Thermal Cultivation
Thermal Innovation
Thermal Dynamics
Extended Crafting Table
Extended Crafting: New recipe for Automation Interface
Extended Crafting: Changed Advanced Craftingtable Recipe
TechReborn: Changed Recipe for Alloy Smelter and Master Assembler.
Cyclic: Balanced a few Machine Blocks
Contenttweaker: Added Vibranium Ingot & Vibranium Element
Contenttweaker: Added new Magic-Chemical Recipes to Forestry/Alchemistry/ThermalExpansion/TechReborn Machines.
Mekanism: Rebalanced Refined Glowstone and Refined Obsidian in Master Assembler and Galacticraft Compressor
Nuclearcraft: Rebalanced all Plates in Master Assembler and Galacticraft Compressor
Industrial Foregoing: Rebalanced a lot of Machine Hulls
Extreme Reactors: Rebalanced Reactor Casings and added optional Botania Recipe
Integrated Dynamics: Fixed Minril Planks and Shards Recipes
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#6 Oct 3, 2018
Updatet to Version 1.7
Mod Updates:
Industrial Foregoing:
Thermal Foundation:
Pam's Harvestcraft:
Cyclic :
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#7 Oct 5, 2018
Updatet to Version 1.8
New Mods:
Mod Updates:
Balanced all Flux Pack Recipes
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#8 Oct 7, 2018
Updatet to Version 1.9
Mod Updates:
#1 Fixed Atomic Reconstructor Recipe
#2 Fixed Evilcraft Undead Planks Recipe
#3 Fixed all Chisel&Bite Chisel Recipes
New Recipes:
Balanced Sawbench
Added Sawmill Recipe for Undead Planks
Balanced a lot of Recipes
Blood Magic:
Balanced a few Recipes
Balanced Peat Farmer Recipe
Integrated Dynamics:
Fixed Drying Basin Recipe
Removed Leather from Drying Basins
Actually Additions:
Removed Leather from Atomic Reconstructor
Pams Harvestcraft:
Moved all Pizzas to the Kitchen Workshop
Added more Recipes to the Kitchen Workshop (never ending story^^)
Added Vibranium Plates
Vibranium Ingots can now be craftet with Master Assembler
Added a very expensive Recipe for Creative Energy Cell (Extra Utilitis2)
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#9 Oct 10, 2018
INFO: Next Update 2.0 Takes a bit longer (Quests!)
New Mods:
Random Patches
Erosions 2
Mod Updates:
Artisan Worktables
Craft Tweaker
Large Fluid Tanks
More Plates
Reborn Core
Tech Reborn
Thaumic JEI
Top Addons
#4 Fixed Recipe -> Tin & Copper Blocks to 9x Ingots
#5 Fixed Recipe -> Mekanism Basic Circuit now is craftable with all Osmium Ingots #Oredict
New Recipes:
Changed Brick Block Recipe (3x3 Crafting)
Fixed Red Wafer Recipe
Mana infused Ingots can be found in Dungeons
Mana infused Ore can be mined in Twilight Forest and Asteroids
Added Mana Infused Dust as Centrifuge Recipe
Added Mana Infused Dust as Electrolyzer Recipe
Evilcraft--> Disabled this annoying Netherfishs^^
Rockhound Chemistry--> Adjustet Spawn Rate of Uninspectet ore
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#10 Oct 14, 2018
Updated to Version 2.0
New: Questbook with 55 Starter-Quests (but there is lot more to come!)
New Mods:
Better Questing
Better Questing Questbook
Better Questing Standart Expansion
Loot Bags
TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)
Removed Mods:
Erosions 2 (Laaaaag)
Mod Updates:
Extra Utiltis 2
Forge Multipart
Smooth Font
Ore Gen:
Rebalanced Vanilla Ore Gen.
Balanced TAIGA Ore Gen.
New Recipes:
Iron Chests:
Balanced all Chests
Balanced all Upgrades
Chest Transporter:
Balanced all Chest-Transporter
Balanced all Hooks
Balanced Automatic Torch
Artisan Workshops:
Added a lot of Recipes to the Sifter
Added Blacksmiths Workshop (for a later update)
Changed Bonemeal recipe
Balanced all Machines
Tinkers Construct:
Balanced (wooden) Tool Station for early game.
Pam's Harvestcraft:
Moved all Mortar and Pestle Ingredients to the Kitchen Workshop and disabled Pams Mortar.
Raw Rice Bread made out of Rice Dough
Renamed Vibranium ingots and Plates to Adamantium. (Because of TAIGA Vibranium)
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#11 Oct 14, 2018
Quests AND loot bags? Really good update! Looking forward to playing it.
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#12 Oct 22, 2018
Updated to Version 2.1
Big Update! Dont forget to use this command: /bq_admin default load
- Added over 110 Quests in different chapters!
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- New recipes for Metal Blocks and Slabs
- Balanced a lot of Recipes
- Updated over 20 Mods + Forge!
- Moved Tons of Armor and Tools to the Blacksmith Workshop. (Armor Welding Works only with fuel Gases, Check the Questbook)
- Added new Processing Lines to obtain Methane Gas (Necessary for Blacksmiths Workshop)
Added ~20 new Quests to the Chapter: Learning the Basics
Added ~50 new Quests to the Chapter: Kitchen Workshop
Added ~40 new Quests to the Chapter: Blacksmiths Workshop
Updated Mods:
!! FORGE TO .2772!!
Actually Additions
Better Questing
Connectet Textures Mod
Extra Utiltis 2
Extra Planets
Forge Multipart
immersive Engeneering
More Plates
Mod Tweaker
Mr. Crayfishs Furniture
Industrial Foregoin
Random Patches
Refined Storage
Rough Mobs
Solar Flux Reborn
The One Probe
Pams Harvestcraft
Fixed Quests:
Fixed: "#26 All about Silicon 3" --> Wrong Consume Task
Fixed: "#39 Hooks"
Fixed: "#52 Tool Station"
Extra Planets:
Balanced Meshs (Artisan Tool Integration)
Actually Additions:
Empowerer -> Fixed all Recipes for Empowered Plates
Empowerer -> Fixed all Recipes for Empowered Gears
Fixed Bio Mash Recipe
Added new BioMass recipe for Methane gas (compost)
Tinkers Construct:
Tool forge can be crafted now only with following Materials-> Steel, Manasteel or Demonic.
Balanced Sleeping Mat (Artisan Tool Integration)
Moved Automatic torch to Blacksmiths Workshop
Industrial Foregoing:
Balanced Tree Fluid Extractor and Renamed to Fluid Extractor.
All Machine Hulls Requires now Copper and iron Plates.
Added Humus to Fluid Extractor for Methane Gas
Balanced Crushing Tub
Balanced Alchemie Station
Balanced Advanced Alchemie Station
Steves Carts:
Balanced Tank Valve
Spice of Life:
Balanced Lunchbag
Balanced Gas Tanks and moved to Blacksmiths Workshop
Balanced Scoop
Tech Reborn:
Balanced Empty Cells (Artisan Tool Integration)
Pam's Harvestcraft:
Balanced Woven Cotton (Artisan Tool Integration)
Moved more Recipes to he Kitchen Workshop
Disabled Water Filter
Disabled Market (Exploring pls! :D)
Fixed Pineapple Pizza Recipe
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#13 Oct 27, 2018
Update to Version 2.2
(Maybe requires to start a new World. This was the first and last time, I'm very sorry)
Dont forget to use this command: /bq_admin default load
- Added 4 New Mods ( Removed 1 Mod)
- Added over 80 Quests in different chapters! (Total ~250; Questbook is still WIP!)
- New Quest chapter: White Magic [T1]
- New Quest chapter: Ores, Alloys & Smeltery
- Added new Loot to all Loottables
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced a lot of Recipes
- Updated over 10 Mods
Added ~10 new Quests to the Chapter: Learning the Basics
Added ~50 new Quests to the Chapter: White Magig [Tier 1]
Added ~20 new Quests to the Chapter: Ores, Alloys & Smeltery
New Mods:
- Hunting Dimension
- Mystical Agriculture (Full Customized and Balanced)
- Mystical Aggriditions
- UBC Reworkd and Fixed > Generate Fantastic Caves together with Worley's Caves!
Removed Mods:
Simple Underground Bioms
Updated Mods:
Dynamic Surrounding
More Libs
More Plates
RFTools Dimensions
Tinkers Tool Leveling
Fixed Quests:
Fixed: #5 "Basic Metals 1" --> Wrong Dependencies
Fixed: #53 "Kitchen Workshop" --> Wrong Dependencies
-Spice of Life:
Moved LunchBox to Blacksmith Workshop
Moved Chaos Staff to Blacksmiths Workshop
Removed Pipes and Cables
Balanced Battery
Balanced a lot of Recipes (Thaumcraft Integration)
-Extra Utilitis 2:
Balanced Transfer Pipes
Fixed Survival Generator Recipe
-Mystical Agriculture:
Balanced all Furnaces
Balanced all Apples and moved to Kitchen Workshop
Moved Supremium Gear to Blacksmith Workshop
Balanced all Seed-Materials
Moved Minecarts to Blacksmith Workshop
Added Oredict Recipes for Compressed Cobblestone and Clean Stone
-Integrated Dynamics:
Balanced Battery
+Added Mystical Agriculture Loot to all Global Loot Chests
+Added Thaumcraft Loot to all Global Loot Chests
+Added Chest Upgrades to Fire Dragon Chests
+Added Chest Transporters to Fire Dragon Chests
+Added Silver Coins to Astral Sorcery Shrine Chests
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#14 Nov 3, 2018
Updated to Version 2.3
Dont forget to use this command: /bq_admin default load !
- Added over 100 Quests in different chapters! (Total ~360 // Questbook is still WIP!)
- New Quest chapter: Technic [Tier 1]
- New Quest chapter: Mystical Agriculture (WIP sorry :-( )
- New Workshop: Engineers Workshop (For Circuits, Wires, Batteries, Conduits, Fluiducts etc./ Check Questbook)
- Added Super Glue (used for circuits)
- Added Molten Silicon (for many many things^^)
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced various recipes
- Updated over 30 Mods!
- Removed Gravestone Openblocks (Replaced by Tombmanygraves)
Added ~ 3 new Quests to the Chapter: Mystical Agriculture < lol
Added ~ 5 new Quests to the Chapter: Kitchen Workshop
Added ~10 new Quests to the Chapter: Learning the Basics
Added ~40 new Quests to the Chapter: Ores, Alloys & Smeltery [Tier 1]
Added ~50 new Quests to the Chapter: Technic [Tier 1]
Updated Mods:
Astral Sorcery
Artisan Worktables
Better Questing
Chisel and Bits
Draconic Evolution
Enviromental Tech
Extra Utilitis 2
Hunting Dimension
Integrated Dynamics
More Libs
More Plates
Mouse Tweaks
Rustic Thaumaturgy
Random Patches
Refined Storage
Wanion Lib
Valkyriel Lib
Fixed Issues:
Wooden Slabs and Sawdust has no longer same recipe. (Moved sawdust to Mortar)
Slabs uncraftable with damaged saws --> Fixed
Engeneer's Hammer was uncraftable --> Fixed
Fixed Quests:
Fixed: #21 "Watering Cans" --> could not be recognized
Fixed: #53 "Kitchen Workshop" --> was not opened
Fixed: #95 "Sleeping Bag" --> could not be recognized
Fixed: #76 "Cotton Seeds" --> wrong consume task
Fixed: #208 "Inferium?" --> adjusted; to heavy for Early game
Fixed: #210 "Prosperity Shards" --> adjusted; to heavy for Early game
Immersive Engeneering:
Moved Fluid Pipe to Engineers WS
Moved Pump to Blacksmith WS
Mystical Agriculture:
Balanced Inferium Crystal
Balanced Master Inferium Crystal
Moved inferium Armor+Tools to Blacksmith Workshop
Actually Additions:
Rebalanced Vertical Digger
Moved all Batterys to Engineers WS
Moved Drill to Engineers WS
Balanced ESD & Advanced ESD
Extra Utilitis:
Removed Mechanical Miner (to many single block miners^^)
Moved Transfer Pipes to Engineers WS
Rebalanced Digital Miner
Moved all Circuits to Engineers WS
Moved all Pipes (Energy,Fluid,Item) to Engineers WS
Tech Reborn:
Disabled all Circuits (use mekanism circuits in Engineers WS)
Moved all Cables to Engineers WS
Thermal Dynamics:
Moved all Fluxduct, Fluiducts, Itemducts to Engineers WS
Moved Fluid Pipes to Engineers WS
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#15 Nov 6, 2018
Updated to V. 2.4 (+Server Pack!)
- Added 2 New Mods
- Balanced various recipes
- Updated over 9 Mods
- Added Server Pack!
New Mods:
Some Like it Dry (Ocean biomes are reduced by 50%)
Dungeon Tactics (Nice Adventure Mod with more Dungeons, Weapons etc.)
Updated Mods:
Additional Structures
Better Questing
Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
Progressive Bosses
Simply Jetpacks
Tinkers Construct:
New Recipe for Mending Moss
New Recipe for Silky Jewel
Dungeon Tactics:
Moved all Battleaxes to Blacksmith's WS
Moved all Hammers to Blacksmith's WS
Moved all Cestus to Blacksmith's WS
Moved all Cutlass to Blacksmith's WS
Tech Reborn:
Moved all Battery's to Engineers WS
Integrated Tunnels:
Moved Logic Cables to Engineers WS
- Increased Inferium Oregen
- Increased Prosperity Oregen
- Minor changes to Cave Spawning System
- Disabled Quartz Oregen from Dungeon Tactics
- Balanced all Dungeon Tactics configs
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#16 Nov 10, 2018
Updated to V. 2.5 (+Server Pack!)
- Added over 90 Quests in different chapters (Total ~460 // Questbook is still WIP!)
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced various recipes
- Updated 10 Mods
- Changed Configs to improve performence
Added ~ 55 new Quests to the Chapter: Mystical Agriculture [Tier 1]
Added ~ 5 new Quests to the Chapter: Ores, Alloy & Smeltery [Tier 1]
Added ~ 15 new Quests to the Chapter: Technic [Tier 1]
Added ~ 10 new Quests to the Chapter: SHOP REWARDS
Updated Mods:
Additional Structures
Binnis Mod
Extra Planets
Mr. Crayfish's Furniture
Rough Mobs 2
Dungeon Tactics:
-Balanced Fan
-Balanced Flamer
Mystical Agriculture:
-Moved Aluminium Seeds from T2 to T4
-Moved Aluminium Brass Seeds from T2 to T4
-Moved Fire Seeds from T2 to T3
-Moved Sulfur Seeds from T2 to T3
-Moved Silicon Seeds from T2 to T3
-Disabled Following Seeds: Chicken, Cow, Sheep, Pig
-Fixed and Balanced Mystical Feather Recipe
Immersive Engeneering:
-Moved all Wire Coils to Engineers Workshop
-Balanced Kinetic Dynamo
-Balanced Thermoelectric Generator
-Balanced Coke Oven Bricks
-Balanced all Slabs --> Handsaw and Sawmill
-Disabled Flax Seeds from Actually Additions (op)
-Changed many Dynamic Surrouding configs for performence improvement
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#17 Nov 18, 2018
Updated to Version 2.6 (+Server Pack)
Don't forget to use this command: /bq_admin default load
- Added over 80 Quests in different chapters (Total ~540 // Questbook is still WIP!)
- Added 1 New Mod
- Added New Quest Chapter: Black magic [Tier 1]
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced various recipes
- Updated over 24 Mods
- Changed many Configs
Added ~ 5 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 0 - Main Questline
Added ~ 10 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 1 - Main Questline
Added ~ 5 new Quests to the Chapter: Ores, Alloy & Smeltery [Tier 1]
Added ~ 5 new Quests to the Chapter: Kitchen Workshop
Added ~ 40 new Quests to the Chapter: Black Magic [Tier 1]
Added ~ 15 new Quests to the Chapter: SHOP REWARDS
Renamed Learning the Basics to -> Tier 0 - Main Questline
Renamed Technic Tier 1 to -> Tier 1 - Main Questline
Fixed 2 Astral Sorcery Quests in White Magic T1 (Wrong sequences)
New Mod:
The Erebus (New Dimension with tons of new stuff)
Updated Mods:
Additional Structures
Binnis Mod
Dungeon Tactics
Dynamic Surrouding
Extra Planets
Industrial Foregoing
Large Fluid Tanks
Random Patches
Reborn Core
UBC Reworkd and Fixed
Steves Carts
Tinkers Construct
Fixed Blood Altar Recipe (Blood Magic)
Fixed Black Dye from Black Lotus recipe (Actually Additions)
Fixed Bonemeal Bag to Bonemeal Recipe (Natura)
Fixed Inferium Furnace Recipe (Mystical Agriculture)
Fixed Prudentium Furnace Recipe (Mystical Agriculture)
Fixed Intermedium Furnace Recipe (Mystical Agriculture)
Fixed Blaze Powder Recipes and nerfed Cinderperls output (Vanilla + Thaumcraft)
Fixed Tiny Charcola to Charcoal Recipe (Shapeless)
Fixed Sandy Glass Recipe (Extra Utilitis)
Fixed Peat Fired Generators (Cyclic)
Fixed Alchemical Condenser (Rustic)
The Erebus:
- Balanced all Wooden Planks --> Handsaw and Sawmill
- Balanced all Slabs --> Handsaw and Sawmill
Tech Reborn:
- Balanced 10k Coolant Cell Recipe (Shaped crafting + machines)
- Cables/Tubes/Pipes requires lot more liquid Silicon but less material
- Balanced all Slabs --> Handsaw and Sawmill
- Balanced all Slabs --> Handsaw and Sawmill
Project Red:
- Moved Electrotin Battery to EW
Immersive Engeneering:
- Balanced Blast Furnace Bricks
- Dungeon Tactics:
- Balanced Chain Links Recipe
Blood Magic:
- Balanced Hellfire Forge
- Balanced Coat of Arms
- Balanced The Bloodletter's Pack
- Balanced Blood Chest
- Balanced Vengeance Pickaxe
- Balanced Vein Sword
- Moved Thaumic Armor + Tools to Blacksmith's Workshop
- Disabled Ore Clusters from Dungeon Tactics (was not intended with ore clusters)
- Brain Slimes dosen't attack animals anymore
- Reduced spawn rate of Brain Slimes
- Reduced spawn rate of Barakoas
- Balanced all Configs of Erebus Mod
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#18 Nov 23, 2018
Updated to Version 2.7 (+Server Pack)
Don't forget to use this command for Updating the Questbook: /bq_admin default load
- Added over 80 Quests in different chapters (Total Quests now ~620 // Questbook is still WIP!)
- Added 1 New Mod
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced various recipes
- Updated Forge to .2775
- Updated over 13 Mods
- Changed a few Configs
Added ~ 2 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 0 - Main Questline
Added ~ 30 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 1 - Main Questline
Added ~ 45 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 2 - Main Questline (Questline WIP)
Added ~ 5 new Quests to the Chapter: SHOP REWARDS
New Mod:
Refined Avaritia (Extreme Pattern Encoder for AutoCrafting support in Refined Storage. Supports Avarita Workbench, Advancet Crafting Tables 5x5, Elite Crafting Tables 7x7, Ultimate Crafting Tables 9x9)
Updated Mods:
! Updated Forge to .2775 !
Artisan Worktables
Better Questing
Rustic Thaumaturgy
Refined Storage
Fixed Infinity Fresh Water Bug from Water Clay Buckets (Thx @Chigocraft :-P)
Fixed Solar and Lunar Panel from ExtraUtilitis2 (was not available)
Fixed Pams Harvestcraft Pot recipe (will be deactivated soon because of the workshop)
Animals no longer get stuck forever trying to reach inaccessible food or water sources. They will still move towards ones that they can't access, but they'll switch direction after standing still for a while. (Fixed from developer)
Actually Additions:
- Moved Laser Relays to Engineers Workshop
- Rebalanced Lens of the Miner
- Rebalanced Empowerer
Refined Storage:
- Balanced Controller
- Balanced Disk Driver
- Added Additional Recipe for Processor Binding
Extra Utilitis:
- Rebalanced and Fixed Iron, Gold and Diamond Spikes
- Rebalanced and Fixed all GP Generators
- Rebalanced Redstone Clock
- Balanced Magical Boomerang
- Rebalanced Redstone Clock
Thermal Expansion:
- Rebalanced some Machine Hulls
- Rebalanced Magma Crucible
- Rebalanced Induction Smelter
Pams Harvestcraft:
- Moved more Recipes to the Kitchen Workshop (never ending story^^)
- Disabled Cyclic Boomerang
- Disabled Extra Utilitis Sickle
Rollback Post to Revision RollBack
#19 Nov 30, 2018
Huge Updated to Version 2.8 (+Server Pack)
Don't forget to use this command for Updating the Questbook: /bq_user refresh or /bq_admin default load
- Added over 50 Quests in different chapters (Total Quests now ~690 // Questbook is still WIP!)
- Increased Performence
- Additional Quest Chapter
- New Workshop (Mage's Workshop)
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced various recipes
- 1 New Mod
- Updated 22 Mods
- Opened a Discored Channel for this Modpack:
Added ~ 20 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 1 - Main Questline
Added ~ 20 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 2 - Main Questline
Added ~ 10 new Quests to the Chapter: Ores Alloys & Smeltery Tier 2 (heavy WIP)
Added ~ 10 new Quests to the Chapter: Shop Rewards
Improved many Quest Rewards!
Fixed all Thermal Expansion Machines Quests in chapter "T1 Main - Questline" (Quests was not detectet) [Thx to ferrium42]
New Mod:
Zoesteria Bioms (New Awesome Bioms to the World) Thx to Valoeghese =)
Fixed Resonator Recipe (crafting loop) [Thx to ferrium42]
Fixed Stone Rods recipes (now using oredict)
Fixed all Bonemeal recipes from Shaped to Shapeless [Thx to Chigocraft <3]
Fixed all Sifter recipes from Shaped to Shapeless [Thx to Chigocraft <3]
Fixed Sandyglass Dust in Mortar recipe from Shaped to Shapeless
Fixed wrong String Recipe [Thx to Chigocraft <3]
Fixed Fresh-Milk Bug in the Kitchen Workshop (Empty Iron Bucket now stay in the workshop) [Thx to billyty08]
Fixed all Fresh-Milk Recipes in the Kitchen Workshop.
Updated Mods:
Artisan Workshops
Dynamic Trees Traverse
Rustic Thaumaturgy
Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
Steves Carts
-Additional Recipe to crafting Sandstone (with water clay buckets)
Dungeon Tactics:
-Removed Slingshot (OP)
Thermal Expansion:
-Reworked Fractionating Still
-Added a recipe for "The Origins of Darkness" (animania animals are not compatible for the standard procedure)
Iron Backpacks:
-Balanced Iron Backpacks
-Balanced Gold Backpacks
-Balanced Diamond Backpacks
Extra Utilitis:
Moved Builders Wand to Mage's Workshop
Moved Deconstruction Wand to Mage's Workshop
-Reworked all Machine Hulls
-Reworked Squeezer
-Reworked Still
Moved HeartContainer to Mage's Workshop
Moved Soulstone to Mage's Workshop
Moved Duskflame Hex to Mage's Workshop
Moved Evoker of the Fang to Mage's Workshop
Creative Content:
-Added The Everlasting Guilty Pool (Botania)
-Reworked Creative Energy source (Extra Utilitis)
Tinkers Construct
-Balanced Slimesling
-Removed unused Slimeslings
-Reworked Advanced Circuit
-Reworked Ultimate Circuit
-Reworked Energized Smelter
-Reworked Electrolytic Separator
-Reworked Gas Burner generator
-Reworked Purification Chamber
-Reworked Enrichment Chamber
-New Item: Magic Compound (for early game Elixir and other stuff)
Pams Harvestcraft:
- Moved more Recipes to the Kitchen Workshop (never ending story^^)
- Disabled Mr.Crayfishs Update Checker [Thx to billyty08 <3]
- Changed many DynamicSurroundings Configs to improve Performence
- Disabled Vulcanite Spawing in Overworld for better Performence (Still spawns in Nether)
- Decreased Bloodmoon Chance 3% -> 2%
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Chickens 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Cows 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Pigs 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Horses 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Sheeps 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Hedgehogs 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Goats 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Hamsters 40 -> 25
- Decreased Spanwrate of Animania Ferrets 40 -> 25
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#20 Dec 6, 2018
Extra Large Updated to Version 2.9 (+Server Pack)
Don't forget to use this command for Updating the Questbook: /bq_admin default load
- Added over 120! Quests in different chapters (Total Quests now ~810 // Questbook is still WIP!)
- Many Global Changes
- New Quest-chapter [Tier 3 - Main Quest Line]
- Completet Quest Chapter [Ores Alloys & Smeltery Tier 2]
- Fixed Quests and Issues
- Balanced various recipes
- 4 New Mods
- Removed 1 Mod
- Updated 14 Mods
- Opened a Discored Channel for this Modpack:
Global Changes:
-Pulverized Basic Metals (Iron, Gold, Copper, Tin and Bronze) can now be craftet in a mortar.
-Added the possibility to convert underground Biomes stone to vanilla stone (with artisan chisel)
-Moved all metal blocks (except Tin & Copper) from 3x3 crafting to Blacksmith's Workshop. Still as usual also in the smeltery, compactor etc.
-Uncraftable Tipped Arrows from Traveler Merchants have now received new useful recipes (Poison, Wither, Fuse)
-New settings causes a chance for zombies to horde up and wander the surface together to random points :-0 (Time for Spikes and Turrets^^)
-Added new Artwork to the Questbook Cover [Special Thanks to DragonmasterDJ]
New Quests:
Added visible paths in all Tier Based Chapters to show the "main road"
Added 5 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 0 - Main Questline
Added 2 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 1 - Main Questline
Added 20 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 2 - Main Questline
Added 17 new Quests to the Chapter: Tier 3 - Main Questline (heavy WIP)
Added 53 new Quests to the Chapter: Ores Alloys & Smeltery Tier 2
Added 25 new Quests to the Chapter: Shop Rewards
New Shop Rewards:
-Emergency Equipment (Torches, Food, broken Sword etc. 15 min. Cooldown/ Food 25 min.)
-14 diffrent Deco Blocks (waterstone, lavastone, concrete etc.)
-Slime and Wither Spawn Eggs
-Wither Skeleton Skulls
-Floar Fertilizer and Mystical Fertilizer
-Various VIS Crystals
-5 different Mystical Acriculture Coal types
-Coal Coke and Blood waxed Coal
Quest enhancement and Issues:
Added Platin Coin Reward to Quest 431 (Intermedium Furnace)
Added Platin Coin Reward to Quest 450 (Superium Essence)
Fixed Quest 114 Blacksmith's Workshop Questline "Fluidomatic"
Fixed Quest 194 Wand of the Forest (now accepts any color of wand to complete quest) [Thx to ByllTy08]
Fixed Quest 424 (wrong Task) [Thx to ByllTy08]
Fixed Quest 589 (was not detectet) [Thx to ferrium42]
Fixed Quest 656 (wrong arrows) [Thx to ferrium42]
Adjusted Quest 210 "Prosperity" in Tier 0 - Main Questline (to heavy for early game)
Deleted Quest "Prosperity Shard" from Mystical Agriculture Tier 1. (duplicatet)
New Mods:
Auto Pickup
Chunk Pregenerator
Crafting Tweaks
Removed Mods:
Fast Workbench (weird issues...)
Fixed annoying bug with Shift-Click to put Coal into a Furnace [Thx Freebi^^]
Fixed all wrong Chisel & Bites recipes
Fixed String Recipe with wool gin (woolgin is now reusable) [Thx to mitchngwen]
Fixed conversion of Electrotin Block to Electrotin Dust
Fixed broken recipe of Lapis Lazuli Block [Thx to DragonmasterDJ]
Fixed broken recipe of Bone Block [Thx to ferrium42]
Fixed broken recipe of early game posion arrows [Thx to ferrium42]
Fixed broken Diamond Spikes Recipe from Extrautils [Thx to Tofuus]
Hopefully fixed Zombie Spawn Bug ignoring Light Level. (Let me know if it doesn't work)
Updated Mods:
Brandons Core
Better Questing Mod
Dynamic Surroundings
Industrial Foregoing
Iron Chests
Integration Foregoing
Tech Reborn
-Increased Sandstone/Red Sandstone Crafting Output 1 -> 2
Binnis Mod:
-Balanced Fruit Press
-Additional Compost recipe (can be craftet with all vegetarian ingredients)
Thermal Expansion:
-Reworked Chemical Imbuer
-Reworked Fluid Transpsoer
Actually Additions:
-Reworked Storage Crates
Mystical Agriculture:
-Reworked Prudentium Furnace
-Reworked Intermedium Furnace
-Reworked Superium Furnace
-Reworked Supremium Furnace
-Moved Air Charm to Mage's Workshop
-Balanced Climbing Gloves
-Balanced Magma Anvil and moved to Blacksmith's Workshop
-Balanced Powered Diamond Anvil and moved to Blacksmith's Workshop
-Balanced Void Anvil and moved to Blacksmith's Workshop
-Removed Crystallized Armor (Cyclic really?...^^)
Tech Reborn:
-Added Assemlber Recipe for Electrotin Battery
-Added new Steel Recipe for Industrial Blast Furnace using Inferium/Prudentium coal & iron
-Added new Steel Recipe for Industrial Blast Furnace using charcoal & iron
-Added new Steel Recipe for Industrial Blast Furnace using blood waxed coal & iron (super efficient!)
-Added new Methane Gas Recipe in Chemical Reactor using humus & cells
-Reworked Industrial Blast Furnace
-Reworked Industrial Centrifuge
-Reworked Industrial Electrolyzer
-Reworked all machine frames
-Reworked Battery
-Reworked Battery Box
-Reworked MFE
-Reworked MFSU
-Added more options to obtain Clay Dust
-Added more options to craft Carbon Plates
Loot Bags:
-Reworked Loot Recycler
More Plates:
-Added new Nether Quartz plates recipe (shaped crafting with hammer)
Tinkers Construct
-Removed Signalum Alloy from Smeltery (new: Shibuichi Alloy with Destabilized Redstone)
Extended Crafting:
-Reworked Automation Interface
-Increased machine output of Basic Plating production 2->3
-Increased machine output of Advanced Plating production 2->3
Underground Biomes:
-Changed ALL stone slabs recipes --> Handsaw and Sawill
RF Tools:
-Reworked Storage Scanner Module
New Graphite Dust Item for Graphite ingots. (Pulverized coal/charcoal + gravel = graphite dust)
Pams Harvestcraft:
-New Automation: Fluid Transposer and Fluid Infuser are able to produce Fresh Milk using all types of milk
-New Automation: Fluid Transposer and Fluid Infuser are able to produce Heavy Cream using all types of milk
-New Automation: Fluid Transposer and Fluid Infuser are able to produce Ketchup from tomato juice
-New Automation: Evaporator from Alchemistry are able to produce salt from water
-New Automation: Carpenters are able to craft Hamburger using olive oil / cooking ool
-Moved more Recipes to the Kitchen Workshop (never ending story^^)
-Reduced Entity breeding Limit around 30 Blocks from 20 enity to 10
-Increased Dilithium Oregen (TAIGA)
-Removed disadvantage for crop growing in wrong biomes (Hunger Overhaul)
-Nerfed chence for monsters to drop a Lootbags 2,2% -> 1,25%
-Added Tiberium Crystals to global Dungeons-Loot System
-Added Dilithium Crystals to global Dungeons-Loot System
-Added Magma Blocks to Cyclops-Cave Chests and Fire Dragon Chests
-Added Enderman Plushies to Fire Dragon Chests *.*
-Added Green Unicorn Plushies to abandoned Mineshaft Chests *.*
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